It’s the question that always gets asked. How do I close more deals and increase sales? Well, according to Pitch Queen Forbes Riley there is an exact science to close on pitches and increase sales. First things first, be authentically you. You’re not going to kill it unless you are real, relatable and authentic.
Forbes Riley: How To Close More Deals & Increase Sales
Written by Against All Odds Radio Show on April 26, 2021
Next, you have to have your ‘break through’ moment. Figure out what your obstacles are, how you react to them and ultimately how you can overcome them. Trust your intuition, go with your gut and success can be yours for the taking! Once you figure out your ‘break through’ moment, your path to closing on deals and increasing sales can be carved out.
The Against All Odds Radio Show Presents:
Celebrity Pitch Queen, Forbes Riley, Sold Over $2.5 Billion in Products By Keeping It Real

Forbes Riley, the celebrity QUEEN of the PITCH, sold over $2.5 Billion of products. Now, she coaches the best of the best on how to pitch, and win!
In this weeks episode of Against All Odds Radio Show Forbes Riley knocks hosts, Sean V. Bradley and L.A. Williams, off their seats. Her sparkling personality matched with her expertise in sales is a force not to be reckoned with! This ‘Queen of the Pitch’ has successfully sold more than $2.5 billion in products, published more than a dozen books and has carved her place as an entertainer on TV and the stage.
About Forbes Riley
What hasn’t this dynamic woman done? Forbes Riley possesses an energy & passion unlike anyone you have ever met. She is an award-winning TV host, motivational speaker, entrepreneur and health & wellness expert. Currently she is a pitch & sales coach for CEOs, sales teams, entrepreneurs and MLM at Business Billionaire Academy. From singing and dancing on Broadway, to slaying the informercial game, this star is unstoppable.
Do you want an inside look on how to be more like Forbes Riley? Hosts of Against All Odds Podcast, Sean V. Bradley and L.A. Williams spend this weeks episode with their jaws on the floor. Marveling at Forbes Riley’s overflowing energy and passion. She shares some of her tips on how to close more deals & increase sales. But! If you want the full experience, you can take her pitch mastery class.
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For Weekly Tips & Advice On How To Close More Deals and Increase Sales
Celebrity Pitch Queen, Forbes Riley, Sold Over $2.5 Billion in Products By Keeping It Real
Trust Your Magical Intuition If You Want To Close More Deals
Riley explains that her childhood wasn’t pretty. No, in-fact it was ugly: she was chubby, sported a broken nose and braces for eight years. She didn’t really have any friends her age and she was kind of socially awkward. But, she had something. She had a desire to do and be the best, even when everyone doubted her. She trusted her inner magic.
With life being so short, human kind being so fragile, don’t let your dreams be left behind. Riley explained that before she published (three of her many) books, she had them sitting in a drawer in her room. She would write them, someone would tell her they weren’t any good, and away they would go.
Don’t let your dreams get dusty in some drawer, somewhere. Believe in yourself and make your dreams happen! Trusting yourself, believing in your goals is a must, if you are ever going to close more deals & boost sales.
Your 'Breakthrough Moment' Is A Must Do, To Close More Deals
“What is your first memory?” Forbes Riley asks Sean from behind her crystal ball (seriously, she already knew) during the radio show. According to Forbes, that’s what you need to do. Examine your first memory and how you reacted to it. For many people, that first memory is painful, involving violence or abuse.
So what you need to do is go through the memories, go through your reactions. If your first memory was, for example, falling off a horse. What did you do? Did you lay in the dirt and cry, or did you get back up on that horse? Regardless of what you decided to do– going forward in life you need to create your reaction. If you laid in the dirt and cried as a kid, that’s okay. Now is the time to change your course. Get up, dust off your butt and get back on the horse!
That’s what successful people like Forbes Riley, Sean V. Bradley and L.A. Williams do. If you want to close more deals & increase sales, pause for a moment and look at your life. Until you analyze your first failure and how you responded to it, you can’t kill it in your field. Find your ‘breakthrough moment’ and closing more deals & increasing sales will become natural.
Forbes Riley's Tips on How To Close More Deals
Take Advantage Of The Times To Close More Deals & Increase Sales
When Forbes Riley started in sales there was no Facebook, no Twitter–there wasn’t even texting! So, if you are in sales, you must take advantage of Social media. Sales is all about energy and connectivity. In order to sell your energy needs to be so infectious that it leaps from you to your buyer.
If you aren’t in person, what is the second best method of communication? Social media! Don’t be afraid to use social media as a communication tool between you and future or current clients. It can be as personal as sending a direct message or comment, to as macro as a Tweet that can be seen by millions of potential buyers.
Sell Wants, Not Needs To Increase Sales
Stop telling people what they need. People don’t buy the things they need: they buy the things they want. If you are pitching a product, selling a product–or promoting your brand/image–tell people why they should want what you have. For example, if you are pitching a product, offer information about why your product or brand is amazing.
After you do that, it’s all about getting the yes. Frame your questions in a way that will get you a “yes.” For example, a question like, “Do you want the secret to happiness?” Of course they do! Once you get them to agree, to say “yes,” you are on your way to close more deals & increase sales.
Close More Deals Through Relatability
According to Forbes Riley, if you want to close more deals & increase sales you have to be relatable. In order for someone to feel like they want your product (brand, image or what ever you are selling) they need to be able to relate it to their own life. Make yourself relatable, make your product relatable!
For example, Forbes will make herself relatable to the average Joe, in order to sell a high end product. She might say something like, ‘Look, I grew up with no money. Sure, this car is on the more expensive side, but the quality is fantastic. I would know, I spent my early life driving around clunkers.’ There is always a way to relate to your client; you just have to find it.
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Resources To Help You Close More Deals & Increase Sales
Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand: The automotive industry’s #1 training, tracking, testing, and certification platform and consulting & accountability firm.
The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast: is the #1 resource for automotive sales professionals, managers, and owners. Also, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group today!
The Against All Odds Radio Show: Hosting guests that have started from the bottom and rose to the top. Also, join The Against All Odds Radio Show Guests & Listeners Facebook Group for the podcasted episodes.
For more interactivity, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Club on Clubhouse.
Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the secret strategy of search engines.
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Be Sure To Listen To Last Week's Episode of The Against All Odds Radio Show
Last week, The Against All Odds Radio Show focus was based on being in the right place mentally. Life Coaching & Mental Mindset Tips with Tim Storey should be listened to by everyone. Tim Storey is a celebrity life coach and best-selling author, shares his tips for change and control over your mental mindset.
The Against All Odds Radio Show
The Against All Odds Radio Show has a new episode every weekend. In case you missed the live broadcasted show, you can catch the podcasted version each Monday. Also, Be sure to tune in next week.
Also, check out all of the previous episodes of The Against All Odds Radio Show. Likewise, join the Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group and The Millionaire Car Salesman Club on Clubhouse today!
Additionally, The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast releases every Tuesday at 4:00 PM. Listen in for tips on how to be more successful in the retail automotive sales industry.