Breaking News! Against All Odds Radio Show LIVE Newest Market Is…
Written by Against All Odds Radio Show on December 3, 2020
We would like to announce that due to the Success of the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast & The Millionaire Car Salesman Private Facebook Group we have proudly entered into an agreement with IHeart Media for the All New Against All Odds Radio Show.
We are so excited to let everyone know the SECOND Market & Station that we would like to announce for this new show is The Patriot AM 1150 in Los Angeles, California, starting Saturday, January 2nd, 2021 from 1pm-2pm PST. The Against All Odds Radio Show Starring Sean V. Bradley & L.A. Williams on The Patriot AM 1150 is part of the IHeart Radio Network and can be found on the IHeart Radio app & Listened to LIVE everywhere on the Planet.
The Patriot AM 1150 is the CENTER of “True American Values” Radio in the Los Angeles market with some of the Top National Personalities like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity & Rush Limbaugh. We couldn’t be more excited and grateful to IHeart Radio for L.A. Williams & Sean V. Bradley joining this team!

#Patriot1150AM #Radio #AgainstAllOddsRadioShow #AAO #OrangeTie #MillionaireCarSalesman #LAWilliams #LosAngeles #CA #IHeartRadio #IHeartMedia #BreakingNews